- Training, sensitization & capacity building of individuals and institutional organizations to improve the RE and EE skills and knowledge for achieving sustainable development in the energy sector.
- Fostering critical thinking, analytical skills through research, improved services and products.
- Speaking with one voice and providing fact-based information to create a more conducive business environment for the membership and renewable energy and energy efficiency actors in general.
- REEEA-A supports its member associations and their member with the application for grants.

- Capacity building & Awareness Creation Workshop on 21/22 June 2022. Topics covered includes: Development of training and capacity building skills; Development of Bankable Business Models, Accessing Climate Finance and Funding; Understanding Battery Recycling; and Exploring Emerging Technologies: The Future Prospects of Hydrogen Production in Africa.
- Partnering with Ansole e.V on Research on
“opportunities & risks of hydrogen partnerships & technologies in developing countries. Advocacy/Courtesy visits on member representation to key stakeholders:
- Federal Ministry of Power
- Federal Ministry of Environment
- The Rural Electrification Agency(REA)
- Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency (NEMSA)
- Energy Commission of Nigeria(ECN).
- Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading co(NBET)
- Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC)
- Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
REEEA-A started to support the development of proposals for the SEFA grant scheme of the African Development Bank and is currently preparing for submission of the first proposals;
REEEA-A is currently familiarising itself with further grant schemes and will then expand its offer in the future.
- The Rural Electrification Agency(REA)/ Alliance have agreed on a Working Group to work in different focal areas in a bid to improve the off-grid sector in Nigeria. The REA also wants the Alliance to be a part of the off-grid stakeholder coordination and Partnership Framework with key stakeholders in the sector.
- The Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading (NBET) and the Alliance have a Working group. Both parties agreed to setting up a working group to tease out a partnership framework to achieve set objectives. An implementation plan is in the pipeline to drive that engagement.
- The Federal Ministry of Power has developed a working committee with the Alliance in other promote the activities of the RE/EE sector in Nigeria.

The Alliance is in partnership with ANSOLE e.V, German Aerospace Centre(DLI), Reiner Lemoine Institut (RLI) to conduct a Workshop for the Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag(TAB) project on H2 Partnerships in developing countries.
The Technical Assistant project titled “Opportunities and risks of hydrogen partnerships and technologies in developing countries” aims to identify and discuss the realization conditions, opportunities and risks of a hydrogen infrastructure along the entire utilization chain in potential partner countries. In this project, the realization conditions for industrial projects for the production of green hydrogen in Nigeria as well as the associated economic, ecological and social opportunities and risks are to be analysed and evaluated in greater depth.
The H2 Workshop in Nigeria scheduled to hold in January 2023, will have relevant actors and stakeholders which includes relevant persons from development cooperation, science, business, public institutions and civil society for a professional exchange, to share relevant knowledge and experience and primarily bring the perspective of the developing countries, in this case Nigeria into the discussion.