Professor Isaac Itodo
Solar Energy Society of Nigeria (SESN)
(Member, Board of Trustees)
Professor Isaac Nathaniel Itodo was born on 18th August, 1964. He obtained a B.Eng in Agricultural Engineering in 1986, a MSc in 1989 and a PhD in 1993 from the University of Ibadan.
He started his academic career as Graduate Assistant in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Jos in 1987 and rose to the rank of Professor in October 2003. He was Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Dean, College of Engineering and Editor, Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology.
He is a Fellow of the NSE, Solar Energy Society of Nigeria and the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers. He is also a member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the International Solar Energy Society. He was President of Solar Energy Society of Nigeria and was elected Life Member of the society in 2020.
He was Lead Consultant to the UND and served on the technical committees that developed the bio-fuels training manual and development of standards for bio-fuels production in Nigeria. Professor Itodo was the Technical Secretary of the Committee of Deans of Engineering and Technology of Nigerian Universities and was an ERM Inspector.
He holds a joint patent with the RMRDC of the acha dehulling machine. He is author of a book and has one hundred and nine publications. His publication won the 3rd best engineering academic publication in Nigeria in 2019. He was awarded the Kassel University, Germany scholarship for scientists from developing countries for the International Solar Energy Society solar world congress in 2011.
He is married with a daughter.